Exploration Project Management. Sodor Geosciences can provide contract exploration project management services and advice for clients. We have experience of running projects ranging from early stage target generation and reconnaissance to advanced stage resource drill-outs and feasibility studies.
Geological reviews and country assessments. Sodor Geosciences is happy to provide geological reviews and country assessments for clients. Our unique background and experience within the ANS and the Caucasus/Central Asia regions makes the company the ideal partner for clients who are already active in, or are considering future operations in these regions.
Technical reports. In addition to country assessments and geological reviews, Sodor Geosciences can undertake a variety of other technical reports on behalf of clients. These include project reviews, due diligence reviews, technical audits, competent persons reports and Technical Reports to JORC, Ni 43-101, PERC standards. In addition, Sodor Geosciences can compile governmental quarterly and annual exploration reports on behalf of clients, and provide a peer review, copy editing and proofreading service for mining companies and consultancies.
Geological modelling. Sodor Geosciences has a wealth of experience in data interpretation and 3D modeling using software such as Micromine and ArcGIS. This can include compilation and interpretation of regional data (mapping, geochemistry, geophysics, satellite imagery), interpretation of drilling and trenching results, and 3D ore body modelling. Sodor Geosciences can undertake mineral resource estimates and GIS services either in-house or through associates.
Technical advice on existing exploration programmes. Sodor Geosciences is ideally placed to provide high level reviews, advice and recommendations on current exploration programmes and budgets.
Design and management of future exploration programmes. Sodor Geosciences can provide hands on and practical advice on the design, budgeting and implementation of future exploration programmes. These can be for any stage of the exploration cycle; from early stage regional reconnaissance to advanced stage resource drilling and feasibility studies.
Development of client specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Sodor Geosciences can develop SOP documents for all geological and technical aspects of a client’s exploration programmes. Examples can include SOP documents for drilling operations, drill core and RC chip logging, sample preparation and QAQC procedures.
Design of exploration QAQC procedures and/or review of existing QAQC procedures. QAQC procedures are fundamental to the success of any mineral exploration programme and are a key requirement in terms of mineral resource reporting codes. Sodor Geosciences has a wealth of experience in the design of these programmes, reviewing existing procedures and evaluating QAQC results.
Design of check sampling programmes to verify historical exploration results. Verification of historical exploration results is an important aspect of many exploration programmes, particularly where the historical results will be used in a new mineral resource estimate. Sodor Geosciences can design check sampling programmes (such as twin hole drilling) in order to verify historical exploration results on behalf of clients.